The Death Of Star Wars.

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?” Frederich Nietzsche. Those who know me well and those who have read any of my writing over the past 15 years will know how much I love George Lucas’ Star Wars. The iconic mythologyContinue reading “The Death Of Star Wars.”

The Addiction Conundrum.

Today’s Daily Stoic Journal question from Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman asks; “What am I addicted to?” It would be easy for me to say coffee or (occasionally) alcohol or my phone or internet distractions or buying books and look, they are – with the exception of coffee (I’m not giving you that one) –Continue reading “The Addiction Conundrum.”

Towards Hell – Popular Culture On The Precipice.

A conversation on a recent episode of the popular entertainment podcast, ‘The World Class Bullshitters‘ around evil archetypes & their dilution in modern storytelling really struck a cord with me. I’m presently reading Albert Camus’ 1951 “The Rebel”. Published in the aftermath of World War 2 and in the germinating Cold War period, “The Rebel”Continue reading “Towards Hell – Popular Culture On The Precipice.”

The Mess Of Boba Fett.

I’ve just finished watching the Disney+ series “The Book Of Boba Fett” and I have a few thoughts about this most recent offering from Disney/Lucasfilm. The character of Boba Fett – a lone wolf bounty hunter in George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away – has been one of the most popular antagonists in the StarContinue reading “The Mess Of Boba Fett.”

Fly Fishing With Harrison Ford.

I once had a dream in which I was standing on the shore of the Snake River, struggling with a fishing pole. I was cold from a breeze coming off distant, snow-capped mountains but I was oblivious to the pin pricks on my neck as I wrestled with line, pole and reel. The line hadContinue reading “Fly Fishing With Harrison Ford.”

Long Live The Chicken Walker.

Each Australian winter, I like to buy a model kit to tinker with when the weather draws in and prevents me from doing anything else. Like writing, model building scratches my creative itch and I enjoy the past time. It challenges me, allows me to concentrate and problem solve and I find the endeavor therapeutic.Continue reading “Long Live The Chicken Walker.”

Resistance Reborn – Better Than I Expected, But Falling Short Of What I’d Hoped.

In the new era of the Star Wars franchise, Lucasfilm – by way of its Story Group – embarked on a concerted effort to unify the storytelling elements of the saga that sought to avoid clashes with narratives, characters and situations. In the former Expanded Universe, these clashes were an ever present feature, requiring aContinue reading “Resistance Reborn – Better Than I Expected, But Falling Short Of What I’d Hoped.”

The Battle for Balance – Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker.

Two years ago, I left the cinema after seeing the highly anticipated “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”. I turned to my family and said quietly, “I didn’t like it.” Their response was muted. None of us liked the film – especially my then 8 year old daughter, who had really embraced Rey as a characterContinue reading “The Battle for Balance – Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker.”

A Complicated Life – George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones.

I’m reading “George Lucas – A Life” by Brian Jay Jones presently. It was a gift I received from my parents for my birthday a few weeks back. Knowing I’m a life long devotee of Star Wars, Mum and Dad knew I was going to love this – and, of course, I was giddy whenContinue reading “A Complicated Life – George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones.”

C’mon Bro – It’s The Wars!

Nestled in the rolling green hills of the Latrobe Valley in Victoria, Australia lies a great big hole in the ground. It’s an open cut mine that, for the better part of a century, has been the source of Australia’s largest deposits of brown coal. This brown coal has been dug up by massive dredgesContinue reading “C’mon Bro – It’s The Wars!”

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