The Death Of Star Wars.

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?” Frederich Nietzsche. Those who know me well and those who have read any of my writing over the past 15 years will know how much I love George Lucas’ Star Wars. The iconic mythologyContinue reading “The Death Of Star Wars.”

The Mess Of Boba Fett.

I’ve just finished watching the Disney+ series “The Book Of Boba Fett” and I have a few thoughts about this most recent offering from Disney/Lucasfilm. The character of Boba Fett – a lone wolf bounty hunter in George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away – has been one of the most popular antagonists in the StarContinue reading “The Mess Of Boba Fett.”

A Complicated Life – George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones.

I’m reading “George Lucas – A Life” by Brian Jay Jones presently. It was a gift I received from my parents for my birthday a few weeks back. Knowing I’m a life long devotee of Star Wars, Mum and Dad knew I was going to love this – and, of course, I was giddy whenContinue reading “A Complicated Life – George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones.”

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