The Death Of Star Wars.

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?” Frederich Nietzsche. Those who know me well and those who have read any of my writing over the past 15 years will know how much I love George Lucas’ Star Wars. The iconic mythologyContinue reading “The Death Of Star Wars.”

The Arrival – A Meditation.

Author’s Note – November 2023: I began working on this essay several months ago when I felt I had arrived at a point where I could sit down and reflect on some personal events that have taken place over the past year. I was finally free of a tumultuous period which had taken its tollContinue reading “The Arrival – A Meditation.”

God Speaks to Each of Us in Our Own Love Language

Kevin Grendel’s “Navigating by Faith” has become one of my favourite regular reads. As I have moved away from my atheism to explore faith more deeply, I find his insights compelling and inspirational. This piece, in particular, is especially luminous. I invite you to have a read. DFA. The poignance of human longing, existential angst,Continue reading “God Speaks to Each of Us in Our Own Love Language”

The Night Fisher Elegies Available Now.

I am pleased to announce that my brand new book “The Night Fisher Elegies” is now available across the world and direct from the author. Taking the reader on a journey through love, faith, death, grief, family and dreams, “The Night Fisher Elegies” weaves together powerful explorations of humanism, moments of reflection tinged with melancholy and shortContinue reading “The Night Fisher Elegies Available Now.”

Euthanasia Is Not A Simplistic Argument – Reviewing Douglas Murray & Esther O’Reilly’s “Unbelievable” Conversation.

Premier Christianity’s “Unbelievable” program and podcast returned for 2020 this past week with a powerhouse episode, featuring two of the most compelling intellectuals I’ve had the pleasure of discovering – author and commentator Douglas Murray & Christian blogger and commentator Esther O’Reilly. Over the course of 90 plus minutes, Murray, O’Reilly and host/moderator Justin BrierleyContinue reading “Euthanasia Is Not A Simplistic Argument – Reviewing Douglas Murray & Esther O’Reilly’s “Unbelievable” Conversation.”

The Medicine of Faith.

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with one of my favourite broadcasters. Justin Brierley of Premier Christianity’s “Unbelievable” program invited me to record an interview in which we discussed my discovery of his show, where I find myself in my faith journey presently and my career as an Intensive Care Nurse and novelist.Continue reading “The Medicine of Faith.”

My ‘Unbelievable’ Journey.

(originally published as “My Unbelievable Journey” at Dean from Australia). How’s this for a dichotomy?  The older I get, the less I feel I know about the world. Though I might say that I have accumulated considerable knowledge over my life, I know I haven’t even scratched the surface of all that there is toContinue reading “My ‘Unbelievable’ Journey.”

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